Package 'lda'

Title: Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic Models
Description: Implements latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and related models. This includes (but is not limited to) sLDA, corrLDA, and the mixed-membership stochastic blockmodel. Inference for all of these models is implemented via a fast collapsed Gibbs sampler written in C. Utility functions for reading/writing data typically used in topic models, as well as tools for examining posterior distributions are also included.
Authors: Jonathan Chang
Maintainer: Santiago Olivella <[email protected]>
License: LGPL (>= 2.1)
Version: 1.5.2
Built: 2025-03-04 05:48:19 UTC

Help Index

Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic Models


Implements latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and related models. This includes (but is not limited to) sLDA, corrLDA, and the mixed-membership stochastic blockmodel. Inference for all of these models is implemented via a fast collapsed Gibbs sampler written in C. Utility functions for reading/writing data typically used in topic models, as well as tools for examining posterior distributions are also included.



Package: lda
Type: Package
Title: Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic Models
Version: 1.5.2
Date: 2024-04-25
Author: Jonathan Chang
Maintainer: Santiago Olivella <[email protected]>
Description: Implements latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) and related models. This includes (but is not limited to) sLDA, corrLDA, and the mixed-membership stochastic blockmodel. Inference for all of these models is implemented via a fast collapsed Gibbs sampler written in C. Utility functions for reading/writing data typically used in topic models, as well as tools for examining posterior distributions are also included.
License: LGPL (>= 2.1)
LazyLoad: yes
Imports: methods (>= 4.3.0)
Suggests: Matrix, reshape2, ggplot2 (>= 3.4.4), penalized, nnet
Depends: R (>= 4.3.0)
RemoteRef: HEAD
RemoteSha: 62c5e3a61411b0f54d5c38d4aaf54c2b65a711dc

Index of help topics:

cora                    A subset of the Cora dataset of scientific
filter.words            Functions to manipulate text corpora in LDA
lda-package             Collapsed Gibbs Sampling Methods for Topic
                        Functions to Fit LDA-type models
lexicalize              Generate LDA Documents from Raw Text       Convert a set of links keyed on source to a
                        single list of edges.
newsgroup               A collection of newsgroup messages with
                        Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for the Networks
                        Uncovered By Bayesian Inference (NUBBI) Model.
poliblog                A collection of political blogs with ratings.
                        Compute predictive distributions for fitted
                        LDA-type models.
                        Use the RTM to predict whether a link exists
                        between two documents.
read.documents          Read LDA-formatted Document and Vocabulary
                        Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for the Relational
                        Topic Model (RTM).
sampson                 Sampson monk data
slda.predict            Predict the response variable of documents
                        using an sLDA model.
top.topic.words         Get the Top Words and Documents in Each Topic
word.counts             Compute Summary Statistics of a Corpus


Jonathan Chang

Maintainer: Santiago Olivella <[email protected]>

Special thanks to the following for their reports and comments: Edo Airoldi, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Christopher E. Cramer, Andrew Dai, James Danowski, Khalid El-Arini, Roger Levy, Solomon Messing, Joerg Reichardt, Dmitriy Selivanov


Blei, David M. and Ng, Andrew and Jordan, Michael. Latent Dirichlet allocation. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2003.

See Also

Functions to fit models: lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler slda.em mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler nubbi.collapsed.gibbs.sampler rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler

Functions to read/create corpora: lexicalize read.documents read.vocab

Functions to manipulate corpora: concatenate.documents filter.words shift.word.indices

Functions to compute summary statistics on corpora: word.counts document.lengths

Functions which use the output of fitted models: predictive.distribution top.topic.words top.topic.documents

Included data sets: cora poliblog sampson


## See demos for the following three common use cases:

## Not run: demo(lda)

## Not run: demo(slda)

## Not run: demo(mmsb)

## Not run: demo(rtm)

A subset of the Cora dataset of scientific documents.


A collection of 2410 scientific documents in LDA format with links and titles from the Cora search engine.




cora.documents and cora.vocab comprise a corpus of 2410 documents conforming to the LDA format.

cora.titles is a character vector of titles for each document (i.e., each entry of cora.documents).

cora.cites is a list representing the citations between the documents in the collection (see related for format).


Automating the construction of internet protals with machine learning. McCallum et al. Information Retrieval. 2000.

See Also

lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of the corpus.

rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of the citation links.



Functions to manipulate text corpora in LDA format.


concatenate.documents concatenates a set of documents. filter.words removes references to certain words from a collection of documents. shift.word.indices adjusts references to words by a fixed amount.


filter.words(documents, to.remove)
shift.word.indices(documents, amount)



For concatenate.documents, the set of corpora to be merged. All arguments to ... must be corpora of the same length. The documents in the same position in each of the arguments will be concatenated, i.e., the new document 1 will be the concatenation of document 1 from argument 1, document 2 from argument 1, etc.


For filter.words and shift.word.indices, the corpus to be operated on.


For filter.words, an integer vector of words to filter. The words in each document which also exist in to.remove will be removed.


For shift.word.indices, an integer scalar by which to shift the vocabulary in the corpus. amount will be added to each entry of the word field in the corpus.


A corpus with the documents merged/words filtered/words shifted. The format of the input and output corpora is described in lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])

See Also

lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of the return value.

word.counts to compute statistics associated with a corpus.



## Just use a small subset for the example.
corpus <- cora.documents[1:6]
## Get the word counts.
wc <- word.counts(corpus)

## Only keep the words which occur more than 4 times.
filtered <- filter.words(corpus,
                         as.numeric(names(wc)[wc <= 4]))
## [[1]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]    1   23   34   37   44
## [2,]    4    1    3    4    1
## [[2]]
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]   34   94
## [2,]    1    1
## ... long output ommitted ...

## Shift the second half of the corpus.
shifted <- shift.word.indices(filtered[4:6], 100)
## [[1]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]  134  281  307
## [2,]    2    5    7
## [[2]]
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]  101  123
## [2,]    1    4
## [[3]]
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]  101  194
## [2,]    6    3

## Combine the unshifted documents and the shifted documents.
concatenate.documents(filtered[1:3], shifted)
## [[1]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
## [1,]    1   23   34   37   44  134  281  307
## [2,]    4    1    3    4    1    2    5    7
## [[2]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]   34   94  101  123
## [2,]    1    1    1    4
## [[3]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,]   34   37   44   94  101  194
## [2,]    4    1    7    1    6    3

Functions to Fit LDA-type models


These functions use a collapsed Gibbs sampler to fit three different models: latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), the mixed-membership stochastic blockmodel (MMSB), and supervised LDA (sLDA). These functions take sparsely represented input documents, perform inference, and return point estimates of the latent parameters using the state at the last iteration of Gibbs sampling. Multinomial logit for sLDA is supported using the multinom function from nnet package .


lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(documents, K, vocab, num.iterations, alpha,
eta, initial = NULL, burnin = NULL, compute.log.likelihood = FALSE,
  trace = 0L, freeze.topics = FALSE)

slda.em(documents, K, vocab, num.e.iterations, num.m.iterations, alpha,
eta, annotations, params, variance, logistic = FALSE, lambda = 10,
regularise = FALSE, method = "sLDA", trace = 0L, MaxNWts=3000, 
initial = NULL)

mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(network, K, num.iterations, alpha,
beta.prior, initial = NULL, burnin = NULL, trace = 0L)

lda.cvb0(documents, K, vocab, num.iterations, alpha, eta, trace = 0L)



A list whose length is equal to the number of documents, D. Each element of documents is an integer matrix with two rows. Each column of documents[[i]] (i.e., document ii) represents a word occurring in the document.

documents[[i]][1, j] is a 0-indexed word identifier for the jth word in document i. That is, this should be an index - 1 into vocab. documents[[i]][2, j] is an integer specifying the number of times that word appears in the document.


For mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler, a D×DD \times D matrix (coercible as logical) representing the adjacency matrix for the network. Note that elements on the diagonal are ignored.


An integer representing the number of topics in the model.


A character vector specifying the vocabulary words associated with the word indices used in documents.


The number of sweeps of Gibbs sampling over the entire corpus to make.


For slda.em, the number of Gibbs sampling sweeps to make over the entire corpus for each iteration of EM.


For slda.em, the number of EM iterations to make.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic proportions.


For mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler, the the beta hyperparameter for each entry of the block relations matrix. This parameter should be a length-2 list whose entries are K×KK \times K matrices. The elements of the two matrices comprise the two parameters for each beta variable.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparamater for topic multinomials.


A list of initial topic assignments for words. It should be in the same format as the assignments field of the return value. If this field is NULL, then the sampler will be initialized with random assignments.


A scalar integer indicating the number of Gibbs sweeps to consider as burn-in (i.e., throw away) for lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler and mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler. If this parameter is non-NULL, it will also have the side-effect of enabling the document_expects field of the return value (see below for details). Note that burnin iterations do NOT count towards num.iterations.


A scalar logical which when TRUE will cause the sampler to compute the log likelihood of the words (to within a constant factor) after each sweep over the variables. The log likelihood for each iteration is stored in the log.likelihood field of the result. This is useful for assessing convergence, but slows things down a tiny bit.


A length D numeric vector of covariates associated with each document. Only used by slda.em which models documents along with numeric annotations associated with each document. When using the logistic option, annotations must be consecutive integers starting from 0.


For slda.em, a length Kx(number of classes-1) numeric vector of regression coefficients at which the EM algorithm should be initialized.


For slda.em, the variance associated with the Gaussian response modeling the annotations in annotations.


For slda.em, a scalar logical which, when TRUE, causes the annotations to be modeled using a logistic response instead of a Gaussian (the covariates must be consecutive integers starting from zero when used with sLDA).


When regularise is TRUE. This is a scalar that is the standard deviation of the Gaussian prior on the regression coefficients.


When TRUE, a Gaussian prior is used for the regression coefficients. This requires the penalized package.


For slda.em, a character indicating how to model the annotations. Only "sLDA", the stock model given in the references, is officially supported at the moment.


When trace is greater than zero, diagnostic messages will be output. Larger values of trace imply more messages.


Input to the nnet's multinom function with a default value of 3000 maximum weights. Increasing this value may be necessary when using logistic sLDA with a large number of topics at the necessary expense of longer run times.


When TRUE, topic assignments will occur but the counts of words associated with topics will not change. initial should be set when this option is used. This is best use for sampling test documents.


A fitted model as a list with the following components:


A list of length D. Each element of the list, say assignments[[i]] is an integer vector of the same length as the number of columns in documents[[i]] indicating the topic assignment for each word.


A K×VK \times V matrix where each entry indicates the number of times a word (column) was assigned to a topic (row). The column names should correspond to the vocabulary words given in vocab.


A length K vector where each entry indicates the total number of times words were assigned to each topic.


A K×DK \times D matrix where each entry is an integer indicating the number of times words in each document (column) were assigned to each topic (row).


Only for lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler. A matrix with 2 rows and num.iterations columns of log likelihoods when the flag compute.log.likelihood is set to TRUE. The first row contains the full log likelihood (including the prior), whereas the second row contains the log likelihood of the observations conditioned on the assignments.


This field only exists if burnin is non-NULL. This field is like document_sums but instead of only aggregating counts for the last iteration, this field aggegates counts over all iterations after burnin.


Only for mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler. A D×DD \times D integer matrix of topic assignments for the source document corresponding to the link between one document (row) and another (column).


Only for mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler. A D×DD \times D integer matrix of topic assignments for the destination document corresponding to the link between one document (row) and another (column).


Only for mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler. A K×KK \times K integer matrix indicating the number of times the source of a non-link was assigned to a topic (row) and the destination was assigned to another (column).


Only for mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler. A K×KK \times K integer matrix indicating the number of times the source of a link was assigned to a topic (row) and the destination was assigned to another (column).


For slda.em, a model of type lm, the regression model fitted to the annotations.


For slda.em, a length Kx(number of classes-1) numeric vector of coefficients for the regression model.


WARNING: This function does not compute precisely the correct thing when the count associated with a word in a document is not 1 (this is for speed reasons currently). A workaround when a word appears multiple times is to replicate the word across several columns of a document. This will likely be fixed in a future version.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])


Blei, David M. and Ng, Andrew and Jordan, Michael. Latent Dirichlet allocation. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2003.

Airoldi , Edoardo M. and Blei, David M. and Fienberg, Stephen E. and Xing, Eric P. Mixed Membership Stochastic Blockmodels. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2008.

Blei, David M. and McAuliffe, John. Supervised topic models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2008.

Griffiths, Thomas L. and Steyvers, Mark. Finding scientific topics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2004.

Asuncion, A., Welling, M., Smyth, P., and Teh, Y. W. On smoothing and inference for topic models. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2009.

See Also

read.documents and lexicalize can be used to generate the input data to these models.

top.topic.words, predictive.distribution, and slda.predict for operations on the fitted models.


## See demos for the three functions:

## Not run: demo(lda)

## Not run: demo(slda)

## Not run: demo(mmsb)

Generate LDA Documents from Raw Text


This function reads raw text in doclines format and returns a corpus and vocabulary suitable for the inference procedures defined in the lda package.


lexicalize(doclines, sep = " ", lower = TRUE, count = 1L, vocab = NULL)



A character vector of document lines to be used to construct a corpus. See details for a description of the format of these lines.


Separator string which is used to tokenize the input strings (default ‘⁠ ⁠’).


Logical indicating whether or not to convert all tokens to lowercase (default ‘⁠TRUE⁠’).


An integer scaling factor to be applied to feature counts. A single observation of a feature will be rendered as count observations in the return value (the default value, ‘⁠1⁠’, is appropriate in most cases).


If left unspecified (or NULL), the vocabulary for the corpus will be automatically inferred from the observed tokens. Otherwise, this parameter should be a character vector specifying acceptable tokens. Tokens not appearing in this list will be filtered from the documents.


This function first tokenizes a character vector by splitting each entry of the vector by sep (note that this is currently a fixed separator, not a regular expression). If lower is ‘⁠TRUE⁠’, then the tokens are then all converted to lowercase.

At this point, if vocab is NULL, then a vocabulary is constructed from the set of unique tokens appearing across all character vectors. Otherwise, the tokens derived from the character vectors are filtered so that only those appearing in vocab are retained.

Finally, token instances within each document (i.e., original character string) are tabulated in the format described in lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler.


If vocab is unspecified or NULL, a list with two components:


A list of document matrices in the format described in lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler.


A character vector of unique tokens occurring in the corpus.


Because of the limited tokenization and filtering capabilities of this function, it may not be useful in many cases. This may be resolved in a future release.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])

See Also

lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of the return value.

read.documents to generate the same output from a file encoded in LDA-C format.

word.counts to compute statistics associated with a corpus.

concatenate.documents for operations on a collection of documents.


## Generate an example.
example <- c("I am the very model of a modern major general",
             "I have a major headache")

corpus <- lexicalize(example, lower=TRUE)

## corpus$documents:
## $documents[[1]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
## [1,]    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8     9
## [2,]    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1     1
## $documents[[2]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
## [1,]    0   10    6    8   11
## [2,]    1    1    1    1    1

## corpus$lexicon:
## $vocab
## [1] "i"        "am"       "the"      "very"     "model"    "of"      
## [7] "a"        "modern"   "major"    "general"  "have"     "headache"

## Only keep words that appear at least twice:
to.keep <- corpus$vocab[word.counts(corpus$documents, corpus$vocab) >= 2]

## Re-lexicalize, using this subsetted vocabulary
documents <- lexicalize(example, lower=TRUE, vocab=to.keep)

## documents:
## [[1]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    0    1    2
## [2,]    1    1    1
## [[2]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    0    1    2
## [2,]    1    1    1

Convert a set of links keyed on source to a single list of edges.


This function takes as input a collection of links (as used/described by the model fitting functions in this package) and reproduces the links as a matrix.




A list of links; the format of this is described in rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler.


A two-column matrix where each row represents an edge. Note that the indices in this matrix are 0-indexed.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])

See Also

rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the input format. is a usage example of the output of this function.


## Take the citations for the first few documents of Cora.

links <- cora.cites[1:5]
## [[1]]
## [1] 484 389

## [[2]]
## integer(0)

## [[3]]
## integer(0)

## [[4]]
## [1] 177 416 533

## [[5]]
## [1] 153
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    0  484
## [2,]    0  389
## [3,]    3  177
## [4,]    3  416
## [5,]    3  533
## [6,]    4  153

A collection of newsgroup messages with classes.


The 20 Newsgroups data set is a collection of approximately 20,000 newsgroup documents, partitioned (nearly) evenly across 20 different newsgroups.




newsgroup.train.documents and newsgroup.test.documents comprise a corpus of 20,000 newsgroup documents conforming to the LDA format, partitioned into 11269 training and 7505 training and test cases evenly distributed across 20 classes.

newsgroup.train.labels is a numeric vector of length 11269 which gives a class label from 1 to 20 for each training document in the corpus.

newsgroup.test.labels is a numeric vector of length 7505 which gives a class label from 1 to 20 for each training document in the corpus.

newsgroup.vocab is the vocabulary of the corpus. maps the numeric class labels to actual class names.


See Also

lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of the corpus.



Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for the Networks Uncovered By Bayesian Inference (NUBBI) Model.


Fit a NUBBI model, which takes as input a collection of entities with corresponding textual descriptions as well as a set of descriptions for pairs of entities. The NUBBI model the produces a latent space description of both the entities and the relationships between them.


nubbi.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(contexts, pair.contexts, pairs, K.individual,
                              K.pair, vocab, num.iterations, alpha, eta, xi)



The set of textual descriptions (i.e., documents) for individual entities in LDA format (see lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for details).


A set of textual descriptions for pairs of entities, also in LDA format.


Labelings as to which pair each element of pair.contexts refer to. This parameter should be an integer matrix with two columns and the same number of rows as pair.contexts. The two elements in each row of pairs are 0-indexed indices into contexts indicating which two entities that element of pair.contexts describes. Note that this must be an integer and not a numeric matrix.


A scalar integer representing the number of topics for the individual entities.


A scalar integer representing the number of topics for entity pairs.


A character vector specifying the vocabulary words associated with the word indices used in contexts and pair.contexts.


The number of sweeps of Gibbs sampling over the entire corpus to make.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic proportions.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparamater for topic multinomials.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparamater for source proportions.


The NUBBI model is a switching model wherein the description of each entity-pair can be ascribed to either the first entity of the pair, the second entity of the pair, or their relationship. The NUBBI model posits a latent space (i.e., topic model) over the individual entities, and a different latent space over entity relationships.

The collapsed Gibbs sampler used in this model is different than the variational inference method proposed in the paper and is highly experimental.


A fitted model as a list with the same components as returned by lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler with the following additional components:


A list of length(pair.contexts) whose elements source_assignments[[i]] are of the same length as pair.contexts[[i]] where each entry is either 0 if the sampler assigned the word to the first entity, 1 if the sampler assigned the word to the second entity, or 2 if the sampler assigned the word to the relationship between the two.


A matrix with three columns and length(pair.contexts) rows where each row indicates how many words were assigned to the first entity of the pair, the second entity of the pair, and the relationship between the two, respectively.


Semantically similar to the entry in lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler, except that it is a list whose first length(contexts) correspond to the columns of the entry in lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the individual contexts, and the remaining length(pair.contexts) entries correspond to the columns for the pair contexts.


Like the entry in lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler, except that it contains the concatenation of the K.individual topics and the K.pair topics.


The underlying sampler is quite general and could potentially be used for other models such as the author-topic model (McCallum et al.) and the citation influence model (Dietz et al.). Please examine the source code and/or contact the author(s) for further details.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])


Chang, Jonathan and Boyd-Graber, Jordan and Blei, David M. Connections between the lines: Augmenting social networks with text. KDD, 2009.

See Also

See lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for a description of the input formats and similar models.

rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler is a different kind of model for document networks.


## See demo.

## Not run: demo(nubbi)

A collection of political blogs with ratings.


A collection of 773 political blogs in LDA format with conservative/liberal ratings.




poliblog.documents and poliblog.vocab comprise a corpus of 773 political blogs conforming to the LDA format.

poliblog.ratings is a numeric vector of length 773 which gives a rating of liberal (-100) or conservative (100) to each document in the corpus.


Blei, David M. and McAuliffe, John. Supervised topic models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2008.

See Also

lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of the corpus.



Compute predictive distributions for fitted LDA-type models.


This function takes a fitted LDA-type model and computes a predictive distribution for new words in a document. This is useful for making predictions about held-out words.


predictive.distribution(document_sums, topics, alpha, eta)



A K×DK \times D matrix where each entry is a numeric proportional to the probability of seeing a topic (row) conditioned on document (column) (this entry is sometimes denoted θd,k\theta_{d,k} in the literature, see details). Either the document_sums field or the document_expects field from the output of lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler can be used.


A K×VK \times V matrix where each entry is a numeric proportional to the probability of seeing the word (column) conditioned on topic (row) (this entry is sometimes denoted βw,k\beta_{w,k} in the literature, see details). The column names should correspond to the words in the vocabulary. The topics field from the output of lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler can be used.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic proportions. See references for details.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparamater for topic multinomials. See references for details.


The formula used to compute predictive probability is pd(w)=k(θd,k+α)(βw,k+η)p_d(w) = \sum_k (\theta_{d, k} + \alpha) (\beta_{w, k} + \eta).


A V×DV \times D matrix of the probability of seeing a word (row) in a document (column). The row names of the matrix are set to the column names of topics.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])


Blei, David M. and Ng, Andrew and Jordan, Michael. Latent Dirichlet allocation. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2003.

See Also

lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of topics and document_sums and details of the model.

top.topic.words demonstrates another use for a fitted topic matrix.


## Fit a model (from demo(lda)).

K <- 10 ## Num clusters
result <- lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(cora.documents,
                                      K,  ## Num clusters
                                      25,  ## Num iterations

## Predict new words for the first two documents
predictions <-  predictive.distribution(result$document_sums[,1:2],
                                        0.1, 0.1)

## Use top.topic.words to show the top 5 predictions in each document.
top.topic.words(t(predictions), 5)

##      [,1]         [,2]      
## [1,] "learning"   "learning"
## [2,] "algorithm"  "paper"   
## [3,] "model"      "problem" 
## [4,] "paper"      "results" 
## [5,] "algorithms" "system"

Use the RTM to predict whether a link exists between two documents.


This function takes a fitted LDA-type model (e.g., LDA or RTM) and makes predictions about the likelihood of a link existing between pairs of documents.

Usage, document_sums, alpha, beta)



A two-column integer matrix where each row represents an edge on which to make a prediction. An edge is expressed as a pair of integer indices (1-indexed) into the columns (i.e., documents) of document_sums (see below).


A K×DK \times D matrix where each entry is a numeric proportional to the probability of seeing a topic (row) conditioned on document (column) (this entry is sometimes denoted θd,k\theta_{d,k} in the literature, see details). The document_sums field or the document_expects field from the output of lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler and rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler can be used.


The value of the Dirichlet hyperparamter generating the distribution over document_sums. This, in effect, smooths the similarity between documents.


A numeric vector of regression weights which is used to determine the similarity between two vectors (see details). Arguments will be recycled to create a vector of length dim(document_sums)[1].


Whether or not a link exists between two documents ii and jj is a function of the weighted inner product of the document_sums[,i] and document_sums[,j]. After normalizing document_sums column-wise, this inner product is weighted by beta.

This quantity is then passed to a link probability function. Like rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler in this package, only the exponential link probability function is supported. Note that quantities are automatically scaled to be between 0 and 1.


A numeric vector of length dim(edgelist)[1], representing the probability of a link existing between each pair of documents given in the edge list.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])


Chang, Jonathan and Blei, David M. Relational Topic Models for Document Networks. Artificial intelligence and statistics. 2009.

See Also

rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of document_sums. produces values for edgelist. predictive.distribution makes predictions about document content instead.


## See demo.

## Not run: demo(rtm)

Read LDA-formatted Document and Vocabulary Files


These functions read in the document and vocabulary files associated with a corpus. The format of the files is the same as that used by LDA-C (see below for details). The return value of these functions can be used by the inference procedures defined in the lda package.


read.documents(filename = "mult.dat")

read.vocab(filename = "vocab.dat")



A length-1 character vector specifying the path to the document/vocabulary file. These are set to ‘mult.dat’ and ‘vocab.dat’ by default.


The details of the format are also described in the readme for LDA-C.

The format of the documents file is appropriate for typical text data as it sparsely encodes observed features. A single file encodes a corpus (a collection of documents). Each line of the file encodes a single document (a feature vector).

The line encoding a document begins with an integer followed by a number of feature-count pairs, all separated by spaces. A feature-count pair consists of two integers separated by a colon. The first integer indicates the feature (note that this is zero-indexed!) and the second integer indicates the count (i.e., value) of that feature. The initial integer of a line indicates how many feature-count pairs are to be expected on that line.

Note that we permit a feature to appear more than once on a line, in which case the value for that feature will be the sum of all instances (the behavior for such files is undefined for LDA-C). For example, a line reading ‘⁠4 7:1 0:2 7:3 1:1⁠’ will yield a document with feature 0 occurring twice, feature 1 occurring once, and feature 7 occurring four times, with all other features occurring zero times.

The format of the vocabulary is a set of newline separated strings corresponding to features. That is, the first line of the vocabulary file will correspond to the label for feature 0, the second for feature 1, etc.


read.documents returns a list of matrices suitable as input for the inference routines in lda. See lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for details.

read.vocab returns a character vector of strings corresponding to features.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])


Blei, David M. Latent Dirichlet Allocation in C.

See Also

lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of the return value of read.documents.

lexicalize to generate the same output from raw text data.

word.counts to compute statistics associated with a corpus.

concatenate.documents for operations on a collection of documents.


## Read files using default values.
## Not run: setwd("corpus directory")
## Not run: documents <- read.documents()
## Not run: vocab <- read.vocab()

## Read files from another location.
## Not run: documents <- read.documents("corpus directory/features")
## Not run: vocab <- read.vocab("corpus directory/labels")

Collapsed Gibbs Sampling for the Relational Topic Model (RTM).


Fit a generative topic model which accounts for both the words which occur in a collection of documents as well as the links between the documents.


rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(documents, links, K, vocab, num.iterations,
  alpha, eta, beta, trace = 0L, test.start = length(documents) + 1L)
rtm.em(documents, links, K, vocab, num.e.iterations, num.m.iterations,
        alpha, eta,
        lambda = sum(sapply(links, length))/(length(links) * (length(links) -1)/2),
  initial.beta = rep(3, K), trace = 0L,
  test.start = length(documents) + 1L, tempering = 0.0)



A collection of documents in LDA format. See lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for details.


A list representing the connections between the documents. This list should be of the same length as the documents. Each element, links[[i]], is an integer vector expressing connections between document i and the 0-indexed documents pointed to by the elements of the vector.


A scalar integer indicating the number of latent topics for the model.


A character vector specifying the vocabulary words associated with the word indices used in documents.


The number of sweeps of Gibbs sampling over the entire corpus to make.


For rtm.em, the number of iterations in each Gibbs sampling E-step.


For rtm.em, the number of M-step iterations.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic proportions.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparamater for topic multinomials.


A length K numeric of regression coefficients expressing the relationship between each topic and the probability of link.


For rtm.em, the regularization parameter used when estimating beta. lambda expresses the number of non-links to simulate among all possible connections between documents.


For rtm.em, an initial value of beta at which to start the EM process.


When trace is greater than zero, diagnostic messages will be output. Larger values of trace imply more messages.


Internal use only.


A numeric between 0 and 1 indicating how newly computed parameters should be averaged with the previous iterations parameters. By default, the new values are used directly and the old value discarded. When set to 1, the new values are ignored and the initial values retained indefinitely.


The Relational Topic Model uses LDA to model the content of documents but adds connections between documents as dependent on the similarity of the distribution of latent topic assignments. (See reference for details).

Only the exponential link probability function is implemented here. Note that the collapsed Gibbs sampler is different than the variational inference procedure proposed in the paper and is extremely experimental.

rtm.em provides an EM-wrapper around rtm.collapsed.gibbs.sampler which iteratively estimates the regression parameters beta.


A fitted model as a list with the same components as returned by lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])


Chang, Jonathan and Blei, David M. Relational Topic Models for Document Networks. Artificial intelligence and statistics. 2009.

See Also

See lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for a description of the input formats and similar models.

nubbi.collapsed.gibbs.sampler is a different kind of model for document networks. makes predictions based on the output of this model.


## See demo.

## Not run: demo(rtm)

Sampson monk data


Various relationships between several monks at a monastery collected over time.




sampson is a list whose entries are 18x18 matrices representing the pairwise relationships between 18 monks. The names of the monks are given as the row/column names of each matrix.

Each matrix encodes a different relationship (there are a total of 10) described by the corresponding name field of the list.


F. S. Sampson. A novitiate in a period of change: An experimental and case study of social relationships. PhD thesis, Cornell University. 1968.

See Also

mmsb.collapsed.gibbs.sampler is an example of a function which can model the structure of this data set.



Predict the response variable of documents using an sLDA model.


These functions take a fitted sLDA model and predict the value of the response variable (or document-topic sums) for each given document.


slda.predict(documents, topics, model, alpha, eta,
num.iterations = 100, average.iterations = 50, trace = 0L)

slda.predict.docsums(documents, topics, alpha, eta,
num.iterations = 100, average.iterations = 50, trace = 0L)



A list of document matrices comprising a corpus, in the format described in lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler.


A K×VK \times V matrix where each entry is an integer that is the number of times the word (column) has been allocated to the topic (row) (a normalised version of this is sometimes denoted βw,k\beta_{w,k} in the literature, see details). The column names should correspond to the words in the vocabulary. The topics field from the output of slda.em can be used.


A fitted model relating a document's topic distribution to the response variable. The model field from the output of slda.em can be used.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic proportions. See references for details.


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparamater for topic multinomials.


Number of iterations of inference to perform on the documents.


Number of samples to average over to produce the predictions.


When trace is greater than zero, diagnostic messages will be output. Larger values of trace imply more messages.


Inference is first performed on the documents by using Gibbs sampling and holding the word-topic matrix βw,k\beta_{w,k} constant. Typically for a well-fit model only a small number of iterations are required to obtain good fits for new documents. These topic vectors are then piped through model to yield numeric predictions associated with each document.


For slda.predict, a numeric vector of the same length as documents giving the predictions. For slda.predict.docsums, a K×NK \times N matrix of document assignment counts.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])


Blei, David M. and McAuliffe, John. Supervised topic models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2008.

See Also

See lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for a description of the format of the input data, as well as more details on the model.

See predictive.distribution if you want to make predictions about the contents of the documents instead of the response variables.


## The sLDA demo shows an example usage of this function.
## Not run: demo(slda)

Get the Top Words and Documents in Each Topic


This function takes a model fitted using lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler and returns a matrix of the top words in each topic.


top.topic.words(topics, num.words = 20, by.score = FALSE)
top.topic.documents(document_sums, num.documents = 20, alpha = 0.1)



For top.topic.words, a K×VK \times V matrix where each entry is a numeric proportional to the probability of seeing the word (column) conditioned on topic (row) (this entry is sometimes denoted βw,k\beta_{w,k} in the literature, see details). The column names should correspond to the words in the vocabulary. The topics field from the output of lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler can be used.


For top.topic.words, the number of top words to return for each topic.


For top.topic.documents, a K×DK \times D matrix where each entry is a numeric proportional to the probability of seeing a topic (row) conditioned on the document (column) (this entry is sometimes denoted θd,k\theta_{d,k} in the literature, see details). The document_sums field from the output of lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler can be used.


For top.topic.documents, the number of top documents to return for each topic.


If by.score is set to FALSE (default), then words in each topic will be ranked according to probability mass for each word βw,k\beta_{w, k}. If by.score is TRUE, then words will be ranked according to a score defined by βw,k(logβw,k1/Kklogβw,k)\beta_{w, k} (\log \beta_{w,k} - 1 / K \sum_{k'} \log \beta_{w,k'}).


The scalar value of the Dirichlet hyperparameter for topic proportions.


For top.topic.words, a num.words×Knum.words \times K character matrix where each column contains the top words for that topic.

For top.topic.documents, a num.documents×Knum.documents \times K integer matrix where each column contains the top documents for that topic. The entries in the matrix are column-indexed references into document_sums.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])


Blei, David M. and Ng, Andrew and Jordan, Michael. Latent Dirichlet allocation. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2003.

See Also

lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the format of topics.

predictive.distribution demonstrates another use for a fitted topic matrix.


## From demo(lda).


K <- 10 ## Num clusters
result <- lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(cora.documents,
                                      K,  ## Num clusters
                                      25,  ## Num iterations

## Get the top words in the cluster
top.words <- top.topic.words(result$topics, 5, by.score=TRUE)

## top.words:
##      [,1]             [,2]        [,3]       [,4]            [,5]      
## [1,] "decision"       "network"   "planning" "learning"      "design"  
## [2,] "learning"       "time"      "visual"   "networks"      "logic"   
## [3,] "tree"           "networks"  "model"    "neural"        "search"  
## [4,] "trees"          "algorithm" "memory"   "system"        "learning"
## [5,] "classification" "data"      "system"   "reinforcement" "systems" 
##      [,6]         [,7]       [,8]           [,9]           [,10]      
## [1,] "learning"   "models"   "belief"       "genetic"      "research" 
## [2,] "search"     "networks" "model"        "search"       "reasoning"
## [3,] "crossover"  "bayesian" "theory"       "optimization" "grant"    
## [4,] "algorithm"  "data"     "distribution" "evolutionary" "science"  
## [5,] "complexity" "hidden"   "markov"       "function"     "supported"

Compute Summary Statistics of a Corpus


These functions compute summary statistics of a corpus. word.counts computes the word counts for a set of documents, while documents.length computes the length of the documents in a corpus.


word.counts(docs, vocab = NULL)




A list of matrices specifying the corpus. See lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for details on the format of this variable.


An optional character vector specifying the levels (i.e., labels) of the vocabulary words. If unspecified (or NULL), the levels will be automatically inferred from the corpus.


word.counts returns an object of class ‘⁠table⁠’ which contains counts for the number of times each word appears in the input corpus. If vocab is specified, then the levels of the table will be set to vocab. Otherwise, the levels are automatically inferred from the corpus (typically integers 0:(V-1), where V indicates the number of unique words in the corpus).

documents.length returns a integer vector of length length(docs), each entry of which corresponds to the length (sum of the counts of all features) of each document in the corpus.


Jonathan Chang ([email protected])

See Also

lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler for the input format of these functions.

read.documents and lexicalize for ways of generating the input to these functions.

concatenate.documents for operations on a corpus.


## Load the cora dataset.

## Compute word counts using raw feature indices.
wc <- word.counts(cora.documents)
##   0   1   2   3   4   5 
## 136 876  14 111  19  29 

## Recompute them using the levels defined by the vocab file.
wc <- word.counts(cora.documents, cora.vocab)
##   computer  algorithms discovering    patterns      groups     protein 
##        136         876          14         111          19          29 

## [1] 64 39 76 84 52 24